Gen Z & Gen Alpha: reformulating the future

Lake Personal Care explains why Generation Alpha and the later cohorts of Generation Z are reshaping the personal care industry. To address the needs of teenage skin, the personal care industry must adopt a forward-thinking approach. Reformulating the future of skin care involves using gentle, efficacious, and sustainable ingredients

Does the rise of teen skin care signal a new era for the personal care industry? Yes, it is clear that the newest generation of personal care consumer, Generation Alpha and the later cohorts of Generation Z, are reshaping the personal care industry.

Generation Z (Gen Z) are people born between 1996 and 2012, the youngest of whom are turning 13 in 2025. Born from 2013 onwards, it is estimated that the global population of Generation Alpha (Gen Alpha) is going to reach 2.5 billion in 2025.1,2

Gen Alpha is going to be a driving force in many markets such as technology, entertainment and fast-moving consumer goods. They are often referred to as 'digitally native' as they have grown up with more accessible and advanced technology than any generation prior.3

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