Data modeling to optimise use of sensory panels

Lucideon explains how it is harnessing machine learning for modeling the optimal use of sensory panels. This, in turn, can create a more accurate and robust product development process

Sensory panels play a pivotal role in evaluating sensory attributes of consumer products such as taste, aroma, texture, and appearance. Sensory panels of trained individuals are integral to the product development process, as their assessments are crucial for determining consumer acceptance and preference. Sensory panels operate under standardised conditions to ensure consistency and reliability in their evaluations.

For oral healthcare products like toothpaste and mouthwash, the sensory perception of performance is particularly vital. Consumer acceptance, preference, and continued use of these products rely on the complex sensory performance consumers experience in the mouth during use.

This intricate process involves taste buds on the tongue and olfactory receptors in the nose, creating a multisensory experience further influenced by texture, feel, consistency, and the emotional response to the individual experience. Sensory panels, therefore, are essential in ensuring these products meet consumer expectations and preferences.

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