Mastering product development programmes

Mark Cresswell of Lucideon explains how the company was able to provide its partner with working formulations that they could take directly into more advanced consumer product testing trials and full manufacturing feasibility assessment by establishing suitable key formulations to develop successful product formats

As a materials development and commercialisation organisation, Lucideon often partners with leading industry partners to help them find solutions to some of their toughest materials-related challenges.

Within the personal care industry, this support is offered at all stages of the product development process: from R&D and feasibility prototype/concept development all the way through to on-market product improvement or troubleshooting. This article will highlight one specific case where the combination of materials and analytical expertise led to outstanding results for a partner product development company.

Our partner company had identified a novel synergistic combination of two skincare actives. These actives had showed good initial clinical efficacy and now needed to be incorporated into industry-standard skincare product formats. The two actives had polar opposite solubility properties: one was very water soluble and the other was highly water insoluble. 

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