Why natural betaine is an upcycled powerhouse

The use of upcycled ingredients in beauty and personal care products presents a promising avenue for brands to align with the growing consumer demand for sustainable practices. IFF shows how, despite certain challenges, upcycled ingredients like a natural betaine derived from sugar beet, are not only meeting but exceeding consumer expectations on efficacy and safety

Waste reduction is one of the most important environmentally sustainable values for consumers. According to a study by Deloitte, 48% of surveyed UK consumers have chosen brands that practice waste reduction when deciding to shop sustainably for beauty and personal care products.1

For many beauty and personal care brands, achieving zero waste and circular economy goals can prove challenging, and require a layered approach. Upcycled ingredients represent a powerful tool to reduce the environmental impact of products and tell an important sustainability story at the same time. Upcycling is the process of transforming byproducts, unwanted or waste materials into new products of a higher quality or value than the original.

In general, consumers show positive perception towards products prepared from upcycled waste. For example, in a report by Mintel, 65% of German women surveyed are interested in using beauty and personal care products made from plant waste.2 In another research, studies also indicate a strong positive response in terms of attitudes towards food waste reduction.3

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