Silab launches ‘Botox-like’ anti-stress mineral concentrate

French cosmetic actives maker Silab has taken the wraps off Myoline, an anti-stress skincare ingredient derived from the mineral richness of watercress.

The anti-ageing and wellbeing boosting effects make it a suitable solution for skin subjected to psychological stress, the company says.

Myoline has a myorelaxing action in vitro by acting on the neuromuscular junction. This efficacy is reflected in vivo by a ‘Botox-like’ effect.

After five days of treatment, the first expression lines of young skin are smoothed, and the wrinkles of mature skin are blurred with an effect comparable to that obtained with a ‘soft focus’ retouched photo.

Silab says Myoline also influences the secretion of well-being mediators: the oxytocin and endocannabinoid pathways of the skin are stimulated to improve skin homeostasis.

The volunteers' perception of stress is reduced, and the quality of their skin is improved: the barrier function is thus restored, hydration increased, and the radiance of the complexion enhanced.

Myoline is recommended to be used at a dosage of 0.5% to 2%.

Available in aqueous solution, it is easy to formulate and it complies with regulations on biodiversity with a natural content of 99.2% (ISO 16128) while meeting international cosmetic regulations.

See more about Silab

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