Silab publishes results of university partnerships research

French personal care active producer Silab has revealed details about four papers, recently published in academic journals, related to skin care research in partnership with universities.

As part of its commitment to innovation, the company establishes scientific partnerships with university research teams each year.

The first paper concerns a research partnership with the University of California San Diego that highlights an unknown influence of Cutibacterium acnes on the lipid composition of the epidermis.

This commensal microbial strain induces an increase in lipids essential for the establishment of the barrier function (Commensal Cutibacterium acnes induce epidermal lipid synthesis important for skin barrier function. Almoughrabie S et al. Science Advances. Aug. 2023).

The second covers work carried out with the Collège de France and the Institut de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Lyon that made it possible to develop an in vitro skin model from cell sheets.

Analysis of gene expression profiles and characterization of the extracellular matrix produced revealed angiogenic properties specific to papillary and reticular fibroblasts (Papillary and reticular fibroblasts generate distinct microenvironments that differentially impact angiogenesis. Mauroux A et al. Acta Biomaterialia. Sep. 2023).

The third publication concerns a partnership with University of Laval Québec whereby a cell extraction technique was developed to isolate resident skin cells from the same human donor while preserving immune and endothelial cells.

This approach allowed the reconstruction of an autologous, vascularized, and immunocompetent skin model (An in vitro autologous, vascularized, and immunocompetent Tissue Engineered Skin model obtained by the self-assembled approach. Attiogbe E et al. Acta Biomaterialia. Sep. 2023).

The fourth paper covers a research partnership with the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne that enabled the characterization of the hygroscopic potential of apiogalacturonans.

An in silico investigation by molecular modeling highlighted a significant hygroscopic potential (Highlighting the hygroscopic capacities of apiogalacturonans. Verzeaux L et al. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling. Sep. 2023).

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