Algaktiv reveals RetinArt clinical study findings

Algaktiv has revealed the results of clinical study findings for its Algaktiv RetinART marine-based retinol alternative active ingredient.

Algaktiv RetinART at 1% dosage was found to achieve a 33% reduction in melanin synthesis, significantly outperforming 0.15% pure retinol at 9% and 1% bakuchiol at 21%.

Cell proliferation was enhanced by 38% with the marine bio-retinold derived from Mediterranean microalgae, compared to 15% with retinol and 3% with bakuchiol.

Algaktiv RetinART also dramatically increased hyaluronic acid by +8%, collagen I by +127%, and collagen III synthesis by +176%, marking significant advancements over both retinol and bakuchiol in essential skin health markers.

“Algaktiv RetinART’s latest achievements underscore our dedication to innovative research, sustainable practices, and offering safe, highly effective skincare,” said managing director Alexandre Lapeyre.

"We're not just setting new efficacy benchmarks; we're also prioritizing skin tolerance and environmental sustainability, aligning with the values of the modern consumer,” he added.

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