COVER STORY: The future of cosmetics is sustainability

We learned from history that natural products do not always chime with sustainable products. In some cases, the increase of intensive agribusiness has compromised essential biodiversity. We can mention the recent case of the Brazilian Cerrado, the Brazil’s second-largest biome (after the Amazon Rainforest), and the world’s most biodiverse savanna, currently threatened because of sugarcane, soya, corn, sorghum, and cotton cultivation expansion.1,2

The cosmetic industry is in constant progress and, we are more and more numerous to act and make deliberate decisions prioritizing the preservation of our ecosystems. Natura-Tec is one of the pioneers of clean beauty ingredients, as, beyond naturality, Natura-Tec is engaged in sustainability. Since its creation, Natura-Tec constantly applies and develops technologies which ensure consistent quality and purity, combined with environmental compliance and minimal carbon footprint.

Our mission is to generate innovative solutions for the market and open a pathway to success which can benefit customers, the company, and the planet. At Natura-Tec, we believe that tradition, savoir-faire, and technology come together to produce ingredients which are fundamental for local eco systems and socio-economic development, as well as providing the pillars of circular economy processes for the manufacture of advanced cradle-to-cradle materials. Since decades, our sustainable approach unifies and drives activities, growth, and investments within our Group, ensuring that the company’s mission is to focus on the development of renewable, eco-friendly, and ethical manufacturing products and technologies.

Circular economy technologies

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