Astaxanthin: Red diamond amongst antioxidants

Astaxanthin can improve the overall health of the skin, providing comprehensive biological cell protection against cell damage caused by UV radiation. BDI shares some results about its AstaCos OL50

The skin is the largest and most exposed human organ and plays a key role in everyone’s health and appearance. Every day, the skin is exposed to sunlight and needs support to function as protective shield. The natural carotenoid astaxanthin from the microalga Haematococcus pluvialis is considered the most powerful antioxidant. It neutralises harmful free radicals and is highly effective against the impacts of UV radiation. Astaxanthin cannot replace conventional UV filters, but it can make sun protection products more effective. With its branded active ingredient AstaCos OL50, BDI-BioLife Science has proven these biological protection benefits through human clinical studies. Unlike other antioxidants, astaxanthin does not turn into a pro-oxidant and is therefore called the ‘red diamond of radical scavengers’.

As the largest organ of our body, the skin plays an important role as a protective barrier. Its health and morphology determine our appearance and significantly contribute to our wellbeing. 

As a protective shield, the skin is constantly exposed to external environmental influences and stress caused by internal factors like athletic exertion and external factors like UV rays. To maintain and support the skin as a protective barrier, numerous active ingredients are used in cosmetics. These include antioxidants, which can neutralise stress factors in the skin

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