Gattefossé has launched a new website for its China business:
Divided in sections, the website presents the company and its activities, its products and formulation expertise on both the pharmaceuticals and cosmetics markets. This platform also aims to facilitate the exchanges with Gattefossé Chinese team, based in Shanghai with an office and application laboratories. T
his digital project was carried out in close collaboration with the Chinese affiliate and a local agency to best comply with Chinese web search and navigations habits. This new website conveys the visual identity of Gattefossé Group and offers quick and easy access to information thanks to an indexing optimisation, a fluid navigation and redesigned ergonomics.
The website is visible and available on all devices (smartphones, tablets, computers) as it is equipped with the responsive design technology, its interface is automatically adapted to the size and resolution of the screen used. Finally, the website links to the official WeChat account of the affiliate, which offers short articles related to the content of the website. WeChat is China's leading social network with over a billion users