Preparing for the end of Brexit transition period

Since the infamous UK referendum in June 2016, there have been many question marks over Brexit. As deadlines came and went without agreements in place, the €78bn EU cosmetics and personal care industry were left confused.

Since the infamous UK referendum in June 2016, there have been many question marks over Brexit. As deadlines for the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union came and went without agreements in place, the €78bn EU cosmetics and personal care industry were left confused about what measures needed to be put in place, and the time limits for these to be implemented.

plemented. But, following the emphatic vote to ‘get Brexit done’ in the general election in December last year, there was finally some clarity. The UK subsequently made its official exit from the EU on 31 January 2020.

More than 500 SME manufacturers and an unknown number of brands make up the €11.1bn cosmetic and personal care industry in the UK. 1 These companies, alongside thousands more in the European union, now need to take urgent action, so that they are prepared for the changes that come into force when the transition phase expires.

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