MyMicrobiome launches certification for pet cosmetics

MyMicrobiome has launched the world’s first microbiome-friendly certification standard specifically for pet cosmetics.

The first pet cosmetics standard is for dogs and is designed to assess and ensure the microbiome compatibility of products such as shampoos, conditioners, paw balms and grooming products.

Products seeking certification will undergo comprehensive testing to evaluate their impact on the skin microbiome of pets.

These protocols include advanced microbiological and dermatological assessments to confirm that products do not disrupt the natural microbial balance of pets’ skin.

“Pets are integral members of our families, and their health and wellbeing are just as important as our own. This certification standard is a significant step in ensuring that the products we use on them are truly friendly on their skin microbiome, “ said MyMicrobiome CEO Kristin Neumann.

“The launch of this certification standard reflects our commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of microbiome health,” she added.

“We are excited to set new benchmarks for pet care products and look forward to working with companies dedicated to enhancing pet health through microbiome-friendly solutions.”

MyMicrobiome is inviting all pet cosmetics manufacturers to participate in this certification process and contribute to advancing the standards of pet health care.

The German outfit has obtained funding for the project from Bayern Innovative.

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