INTERVIEW: Regulation, Regulation, Regulation

Editor Tim Probert talks to Olivia Santoni, chief executive and founder of London-based consultancy Bloom Regulatory. Olivia, originally from Paris, established Bloom Regulatory in 2019 to provide expert support to beauty and cosmetics companies worldwide

Tim Probert (TP): From a regulatory perspective, what is causing personal care ingredient suppliers to have sleepless nights at the moment?

Olivia Santoni (OS): Ingredient suppliers have had to adapt to customer needs with changing trends. We are seeing ever more customers that want to go to green or clean, use botanical ingredients. Furthermore, many distributors have their own ‘ban list’ or a list of required clean ingredients. 

So, formulators have more and more requirements in terms of which ingredients they can and cannot use. That’s not just the simple aspect of whether certain ingredients can be used to make efficacious cosmetics, or make green claims, it’s also about managing impurities

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