Development of active ingredients in the digital era

Greenpharma believes we are close to personalized cosmetics using data about which ingredients can produce which metabolites to be applied to which skin conditions to have desired appearances. The company has developed tools to perform phytochemical profiling. The goal is to offer a global insight on molecules that can be contained in an extract

Consumer demand for sustainable and safe cosmetic products are growing year after year while products have to comply with an often very restrictive list of raw materials (e.g. EICIC), natural, organic, active, safe and cost-effective. Active ingredient producers, formulators and brand owners have to cope with these within a cosmetic market where trends can change very quickly.

Meanwhile, data, information and knowledge about natural sources/substances and skin biology have grown exponentially along with technical platforms to handle them: big data, chemoinformatics, machine learning and AI

Taken together, the market needs and the availability of the technology, digital platforms offer a lot of opportunities in accelerating the development of new active ingredients at different levels: by analyzing the trends from the customers’ behaviour with AI tools,1 the molecular contents in extracts (phytochemical profiling2 ) or by predicting/identifying the applications of extracts or molecules (biological profiling3 ) and potential safety issues.4

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