Next-gen moisturizer targeting the holobiont

French speciality chemicals maker Greentech has developed a COSMOS-certified organic upcycled active ingredient obtained from a double extraction of organic wild yellow gentian roots and enhanced by fermentation with S. faeni. It has been found to boost HA synthesis and protection against free radicals’ degradation, both in the epidermis and the dermis

For more than ten years, interest for the microbiota has increased and been studied independently from the organism it lives with. Today, the study of the interactions between this host and its microbiota is leading to a new approach: the Holobiont. From the Greek holos (all) and bios (life), the term holobiont refers to a natural living entity consisting of a higher organism, i.e. a multicellular organism, called a host, such as you, me, an animal or a plant; and its microbiota, i.e. the cohort of microorganisms that is closely associated with

Greentech’s scientific discoveries are now unveiling a new generation of active ingredients. A new systemic approach treating the skin as a whole and incorporating for the first time a metaproteomic study that focuses on the strong protein interactions between skin host and its microbiota within dry and dehydrated skin. A first approach in cosmetics

Lack of skin’s moisture is one of the main consumers’ concerns and a lot of products on the market address this condition. Indeed, hydration loss is a recurrent issue that does not only affect complexion in the short term, but also in the long term since it accelerates signs of aging. Thus, keeping our skin sufficiently hydrated daily is a subject of great importance. 

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