LipoTrue launches novel actives duo​

LipoTrue has launched two novel actives, Timlog - a plant-based protein targeting dermochronology - and Echioseb, a botanical active to regulate sebum and reduce pores.

Timlog is a plant-derived human TIMP-2 (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases) produced in wild plants as a biofactory technology, which repairs the scars caused by the sun on our skin.

Echioseb is obtained from Echinacea purpurea, and the stem cells from Rhodiola rosea from Greenology technology. 

LipoTrue says its function is to “adapt and allow the skin to normalize sebum content and release, pore size, elasticity and hydration by regulating the sebum biosynthetic pathway following the steps of retinoids”. 

“Echioseb is the adaptogenic sebum controller that customizes its efficacy by adapting to the different needs of combination and oily skin,” it added.

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