New data shows boost to natural exfoliation and cell renewal

With age, the natural mechanism of desquamation slows down and dead cells accumulate on the surface of the skin. The complexion becomes dull and microrelief irregular. Faced with this observation, SILAB launched in 2005 Exfolactive.

In 2021, additional efficacy data confirm the capacity of this active ingredient to:

  • Boost the natural exfoliation capacity of the skin, weakened by ageing, by stimulating the activity of desquamation enzymes 
  • Promote cell renewal and eliminate scales for an optimal cutaneous barrier function

Thanks to its biological exfoliating action effective on the face and the body, Exfolactive restores an equilibrium between proliferation and desquamation to the epidermis.

After 14 days of application, Exfolactive tested at 2.5% in a Caucasian panel significantly smooths skin grain (Sa parameter: -7%). Complexion radiance is improved (reflection: +10% and pink colour: +20%) and senescence spots are reduced (-11%). In addition, the skin is rehydrated (+24%).

In the same conditions, Exfolactive decreases by 4.1% the a* parameter, characteristic of the colour of the scars present on the cheeks in an Asian panel. The active ingredient also smooths skin grain (rugosity: -8.9%).

A comparative study conducted by SILAB shows that the benefits of this natural biological exfoliation are equivalent to those obtained with the reference molecules used for chemical scrubbing (glycolic acid on Caucasian skin and salicylic acid on Asian skin), without their undesirable effects.

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