“Classic” biophysical methods for hair & scalp

Testing hair and scalp product efficacy needs accurate testing equipment and study design. Courage & Khazaka give an in-depth overview of the options

Testing hair and scalp product efficacy needs accurate testing equipment and study design. Courage & Khazaka give an in-depth overview of the options

However, there is more to it. Nowadays, social media, most of all Instagram, influences different generations. Besides skin, hair is the characteristic attribute for health, youth and attraction. Hair can even be a communication and political instrument. Just take as an example the men who grow a moustache of their own style every November, the so called Movember, to raise funds for menĀ“s health.2 Plenty of products and treatments are ready to fit the modern hair care market for thin, thick, curly, dry, oily, blonde, coloured, ethnic, young, or old hair. Imagine a claim, the product is already invented. As hair is unique, personalised products flood the hair care market. Respectively, a great number of claims around the various products exists. Hair care rituals can be complemented with food supplements and treatment devices.3

Tests on hair tresses

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