Skin detoxification and sebum control process

Skin is a very efficient biological protective barrier against pollutants and environmental toxins. However, faced with constantly increasing air pollution, and ever-more foodstuffs loaded with toxins, its natural ability to protect itself could be hindered.

Toxins might be found everywhere: in the food we eat, in the water we drink, in the air we breathe, in the soil, in household products in our homes, in our garden. Toxins are defined as toxic substances altering cell and tissue metabolism and causing all kinds of damage. They could be chemicals or pollutants that are absorbed, ingested or inhaled. The body has detoxification organs such as liver, kidneys and skin, able to get rid of these toxins encountered in the course of life. In particular, skin has the ability to neutralise and defend itself against these aggressors coming from the environment or produced by the body. This is called the detoxification process.

To support the development of effective care products, Clariant Active Ingredients has developed BioDTox™. This active ingredient is based on three extracts from specific chosen food-origin species known for their potential in revitalising the detoxification process. Detailed investigation of the active’s mode of action shows that by specifically targeting the Nrf2 pathway, it enhances the skin cell detoxification process, which in turn breaks down toxins, protecting the cells against oxidative stress damage and limiting skin disorders. Immediately, sebum is controlled and pores are cleaned.  

The active ingredient performance was verified through in-depth tests focused on lipid control of acne-prone and oily skin via regulation of sebocytes activation. In parallel, apoptotic protection against oxidative stressors was examined, confirming its ability to control cell death in the face of pollution exposure. The ingredient’s potential to aggregate pollutants in order to ease their elimination by increasing the particle size was also identified, reinforcing the cleaning ability of the active. Finally, clinical evaluations further underline the skin detoxification effect, sebum reduction and brighter skin tone.

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