The leading consumer trends of 2020

Every year, Euromonitor International identifies emerging and fast-moving trends that we expect to gain traction in the year ahead. These trends provide insight into changing consumer values, exploring how consumer behavior is shifting and causing disruption for businesses globally.

There are two major themes that become evident when looking in 2020’s top global consumer trends: convenience and personal control. Consumers must attempt to strike a balance between the two, and this is not always easy. Following is an overview of the areas that will directly impact the personal care industry, with market examples and outlooks for each:

Catch Me in Seconds

Swipe, click and scroll are now the main reflexes to search for information among Catch Me in Seconds consumers. With improved technology, accessibility and usage, consumers can find immense amounts of information with fewer barriers. Consumers have the same capacity to process information as before but now contend with much more information to process, needing to identify the most relevant bits quickly. They are constantly seeking personalized, authentic and appealing channels. Catch Me in Seconds consumers want brands to make their information, product or service as accessible as possible in a short timeframe to compete with other demands.

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