The China Cosmetics Quality Assurance Committee (CCQAC), the specialised organisation in charge of cosmetics quality control under The China Quality Association for Pharmaceuticals (CQAP), has formed the Cosmetics Raw Materials QA Sub-Committee with the objective of building up the links between government administrative departments, the producers of cosmetic raw materials and the cosmetic manufacturers in China.
The aim of CCQAC is to form a group of voluntary professional bodies that have common view in developing a healthy cosmetic industry in China. The special status of CCQAC allows CCQAC to be the link between the cosmetics industry and SFDA, China Health Administration Departments together with other quality surveillance administrations in China. Besides, it also serves to enhance the communication between the cosmetic companies and the scientific and research organisations. It will be the key for understanding between the cosmetic industry and consumers.
CCQAC will have an important role to reflect the quality of the cosmetic products to the corresponding government bodies as well as the cosmetic users. At the same time, the committee will also organise activities such as technical seminars, training, technical consultation, galas, and exhibitions to help the cosmetic industry to improve its image and quality which in turn can increase its efficiency.