The five founding members of the COSMOS standard have announced the launch of an international non-profit association whose objective is to develop the COSMOS standard as an international and internationally recognised standard for organic and natural cosmetics.
The founding members of COSMOS standard AISBL are BDIH, Cosmebio, ECOCERT Greenlife, ICEA and Soil Association, all of whom are standard setters in the field of natural and organic cosmetics. “Today is an important day and a key step for the sector,” declared Gaetano Paparella, president of ICEA. “This International Association will ensure cooperation between all parties for the benefit of consumers,” added Harald Dittmar of BDIH. The next step for the founders of COSMOS standard AISBL and their associated inspection/certification bodies is to finalise the harmonised procedures and the approval process of certifiers to inspect/certify to COSMOS standard. “COSMOS standard will be the guarantee of high quality certification”, concluded Valerie Lemaire, who will be in charge of coordinating technical tasks within COSMOS standard AISBL.