The Cornelius Cosmetics Virtual Exhibition, held in November, proved to be a great success, allowing customers to access new product information, ideas and developments, at a time that suited them, without the need for travel.
The format targeted key areas of interest to industry players, with an easy to navigate system which facilitated on line support, samples and quotations, with content relevant to all functions within an organisation. For example, formulators could find the solutions to technical issues and challenges in the Troubleshooting Corner as well as see new ingredients, functionality presentations, videos and more in Product Focus Area. Industry marketers could address the latest natural and organic trend data by visiting the Go Green Stand, view innovative ingredients and even take part in an online survey on the world natural standards. The site was highly interactive with red carpet invitees having the opportunity to ask direct questions via live consultations, or via the Call Me Back facility and fill on-line shopping baskets with requests for further documentation, trends presentations and samples and face to face meetings. Such two way involvement addressed concerns that the internet restricts a formulator from properly evaluating an ingredient. On the first day alone, over 300 customers accessed the site (this number more than doubling in the two days that followed) viewing product information, consulting the team, and filling their virtual shopping baskets, making this a successful venture for visitors and exhibitors alike.