Formulating and testing wellness

According to the WHO, “Wellness is the optimal state of health of individuals and groups” which can be achieved by “the realisation of the fullest potential of an individual physically, psychologically, socially, spiritually and economically, and the fulfilment of one’s role expectations”.

More than a physical health status, wellness is a personal dynamic process, in the pursuit of optimal holistic health and well-being, as defended by the Global Wellness Institute. 

Time to take action

In the current information era, consumers have become more conscious about the social and environmental impact of their lifestyles and have realized that increased individual knowledge and proactivity are the main drivers in this road towards the best quality of life. Beauty brands are being challenged by the growing wellness movement that crosses all ages, focusing on first-line needs such as a restful sleep, anti-pollution and self-care cosmetic products. Along with evidence-based storytelling, consumers demand transparency, certification and brand’s commitment for the effectiveness claims and lifecycle of products. The perfect balance between a state full of positivity and the demands imposed by daily life is complex, extremely subjective and conditioned by individual rhythm, daily habits, values and beliefs. 

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