Ichimaru Pharcos has developed a new product called Izayoi, as a new sun care active ingredient through the newly revealed anti-inflammation pathway.
Keratinocytes damaged by UVB release denatured U1RNA which is one of the DAMPs (damage-associated molecular patterns), and surrounding non-damaged keratinocytes recognise the DAMPs to initiate an inflammatory reaction leading to skin ageing, like wrinkles, age spots or pigmentation. DAMPs’ influence is getting greater on aged keratinocytes, so older
people need to pay more attention to sun care.
Izayoi, a natural plant extract made from rose fruit, inhibits inflammation cytokines induced by DAMPslike substances on human keratinocytes but other conventional antiinflammation agents do not have the same function. On human clinical studies, Izayoi inhibited facial erythema caused by sun exposure. Izayoi inhibits DAMPs response on keratinocytes at the earliest stage of inflammation caused by UVB, so it is the most significant way to prevent photoageing