Investigating baked eye shadow production process

Pressed eye shadows have, so far, been the largest segment of the eye shadow product group available on the market. However, there are other, smaller product ranges with different textures like jelly, liquid or stick form.

At the moment, on the shop shelves we can observe new products with different shapes, stamps, in innovative containers. Most often these products are multicoloured with some additional effect like a glittery, marbled or metallic look. What is the secret of this product? How they were made? 

Some of them were made with liquid powder technology but there are also a lot of them which belong to the baked product group. Baked product process technology and the most common problems connected to this technology are the main subjects of this article. Below all the stages of production process are presented and the main problems which occur during formula creation and production process. 

Baked technology production process

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